He spends the nights either laying on his blankie on our front porch OR running around the property, barking his head off, trying to keep the deer, moose, coyotes, bears, cougars and whatever else is out there....
We even have other Wolves, native ones, running around out here....sometimes at night they howl..and then we can hear our Wolf howling back at them (or with them)
Anyway, for probably the last year or two, we have been trying to get him a doggie bed....you know, like you see Lots of other doggies have.

Now, we live far enough out in the country that we don't have garbage pick up....we have to take our stuff to the closest landfill. One kinda neat thing the District has started doing is setting up what they call Share Sheds at most of the landfills.
The idea behind a Share Shed is....if you have something that you think someone else might be able to use (and it's still in good condition) you are welcome to put it in the Share Shed. Sooner or later, someone will come along and check out the Share Shed and maybe pick something up from there. Another great way to Reduce, Recycle and Reuse.
So, the other day, off we went to town and stopped off at the landfill on our way, to get rid of a bag of garbage. I look over at the Share Shed and I notice something on top of the roof. It's a mattress of some kind.
Took me about 30 seconds while I waited for the Gman and then I thought, gee that looks in good shape....someone will come and grab that. I thought maybe it's a crib mattress.
Bingo, bright light goes off in my head...aha! Wolfie Bed possibility....so out I climb, go over and get it down, take a good look at it.
put his blankie on it...

Looks like he just fits on it, lol....
It's snowing again outside, I'll take a pic when it stops...starting to look kinda pretty out there!
He looks cozy. It's almost like you had his "wolf bed" made for him right down to the perfect size.
How much does he weigh? My dog Abby has little hair ( Doberman) so her bed is my bed!
He is a magnificent looking animal. I love BIG dogs. I'm sure he keeps you well protected.
Hi all this is Annie's Gman. I am way up in north Alberta, working for a while.
Our Wolf X WOOS was just weighed at the vet, 57 Kg or 128 lbs. He's GReat.
Just want to say Hi and I Miss my Annie and Sir.
Hi girlsmama, and welcome to our blog! Thanks for leaving a comment..he is a wonderful protector and a great companion! If you have a blog, please leave a link so that we can check it out!
Krissy, I see the Gman answered you...we just had the Wolf into the vet for checkup and shots, and vet said he is in great condition!
Robin, it is pretty much exactly the size he needed, isn't it? He isn't spending as much time on there as I had hoped he would....I'm still working on that with him!
Gmannnnnn.....miss you too, I hugged a Wolf for ya today :)
What a brilliant idea. I am going to find one of these for my poor old blind and decrepit border collie!
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