He was Such a Happy baby...always smiling and laughing....
He slept in a drawer when we went visiting, lol!
Into sports at a young age....he played soccer, softball, enjoyed fishing and building forts in the woods....
Riding his Harley.....
He won a Fishing Derby with this catch! He sure was proud of that fish...we took it to his grandparents and we all ate salmon together!
This is him with HAIR.....he refuses to have hair now, he's been that way since he was a teenager...nope, no hair for him.
He liked hanging out with his little bro.
He got a Bullseye!!!
On the Oregon Coast, on their trip to meet Mickey Mouse

The lead in the School Play
He loved his Hamster....
He also loved to bake....for awhile I thought he may become a baker, like his GP (GrandPa)

When the boys were in their teens, we went to Cancun...boy did Eli have fun!
No sooner had we arrived than he:
1) Buried his lil bro in the sand....

2) Slammed Tequila shooters in celebration of his reef snorkeling experience.....

3) Hung out with Banditos in sombreros carrying machine guns.....

A Huge Sigh of Relief when this day came! Graduation from High school....Class of 2000
After high school, he started working in construction....he builds beautiful houses on the West Coast!

Unheard of....not only is he wearing a Suit, he's got a Mop in his hands!

He still has a sweet tooth and he still likes to bake...and doesn't even need a reason to bake, as you can see!

He's so serious tho.....
I think he should lighten up, don't you????
Stop being so serious boy....get out there and have some fun!!!!
Have a Wonderful day today, Puddin Pop....your Mama and the Gmans luvs ya!!!!!
Happy Birthday Eman!!!
Happy Birthday from Oklahoma! They grow up quick don't they? Oh and by the way, good looking guy;-)
Thanks Robin....I know he read your comment, because I did tell him that someone from Oklahoma said Happy Birthday...he liked the blog post, thank goodness....
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