And turned it, and turned it, well you get the idea....It takes awhile, but it does a wonderful job! These tomatoes weren't skinned or seeded. Using the food mill, they don't have to be, it will take all that stuff right out of there....
This is how it looked after being run thru the Danesco...
I've got two pots of the sauce simmering gently on the stove. I'm going to get it reduced by half. Then I'll start getting my jars ready......
My lastbatch of tomatoes getting put thru....yeah!
(But I'll Definitely need more next year!)
It was snowing pretty much all morning here today....once it stopped, the Gman said he was going to go hunting - he was out for a few hours, but didn't get a deer....
The sauce looks great! I have two old food mills in the same shape, one two quart and one 3 cup. They're invaluable. It will still be a while before I move them to the basement for storage. Great pieces of kitchen equipment.
Oh, that sauce does look great!
Hi Robins....I just love that food mill, it is awesome! I am already trying to think of a way to grow More tomatoes next year....I can't squeeze any more into the greenhouses, so am not sure. Maybe I will try one of those hoop tunnels?
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