
Sunday, September 6, 2009

Happy Birthday Superman!

It's the Gman's Birthday today - he's getting a nice dinner tonight.

Roasted garlic just the way he likes it....skins off! I just bake it for about 30 minutes or so....

Chocolate sheet cake for dessert....

Lov ya, you're my SuperHero.
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Captain Hook and Lady Crochet said...

So...about the garlic...Do you add butter or oil or anything?

Linda Foley said...

Happy B-Day Gman!!!

Aunt Krissy said...

Japanese Chicken? Is it like Teriyaki chicken? It looks really good. Happy Birthday Gman!

Annie said...

Hi Stone Bridge...yes I just put olive oil on the tin foil, throw the cloves on that and bake or put on the bbq grill. Give it a try if you like garlic, I think you would really like roasted garlic!

Krissy, I hot linked the Japanese Chicken, so you can click on it and it will bring up the recipe....we think it's better than Teriyaki!


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