
Tuesday, June 1, 2010

In The Greenhouse

The Greenhouse is off to a good start....the plants don't look quite as nice as last year.

This year I didn't even get the Greenhouse opened up in time to receive my flats of seedlings! Too much to do around here, and I was just moving my trays out onto the porch during the day, then bringing them in at night.

These jugs are filled with water....we use them to weigh down the tarp which is put over the greenhouse for the Winter. (An attempt to keep the wind from ruining the plastic.)

This year, I have spray painted them a flat black. I'll place them inside the greenhouse. The jugs should warm up nicely during the day and then release that heat during the night.

I planted the corn....then something (maybe a mouse?) came along later that day and cleanly broke off two of the corn plants. I planted some more seeds, hoping that will work.

The tomatoes, staked and tied....we reduced the number of plants for this year. I think we have 4 Cherry, 2 Beefstake and 5 Jetsetters.....

We plan on making a trip to Lilloet for a day of tomato picking later this Summer. We just don't have enuf room for all the tomato plants we would need!
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Nina Diane said...

looking good....we already have some small tomoatoes on our vines. And I recv'd my giveaway prize...thanks so much. I hope you are doing well

Annie said...

That's great Nina! Hope your tomatoes do awesome for you this year!

Enjoy your prizes!!

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