
Sunday, September 26, 2010

More Planter Options for our Porch

In my continuing quest for some Really Nice planters for our porch, I saw this website. There are Garden Planters of all kinds over there....

They have some simply gorgeous high end planters which I absolutely love! Check out the stainless steel ones - the Gman would love those! Hmmmm, actually those stainless steel planters could be left outside all winter, even up here.

And when we eventually fix up the front entry on our house, we could have stainless steel ones out there and it wouldn't matter at all what the weather did.....a planter or two on the front steps would look nice!

I also really like the variety of terra cotta pots they offer - a few of those would look fantastic on the porch.  I'm going to save this site so I can go back and take another look.

Here's a look at the planter pots I used this year....I love lots and lots of pots of flowers on a porch, I always think it looks so nice.....

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Joanne said...

Your porch looks gorgeous already!

Annie said...

Thanks Joanne, hope u are doing well. I was over at your blog yesterday reading up on your progress there!

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