
Saturday, January 8, 2011

Tobias' Flight! Finally Got it....and My Valley Friend Has Started a Blog! took me a bit to figure out how to paste a YouTube video in here, but yes,

 tech challenged Annie finally figured it out!

Have you read about Tobias yet? If not click here...and here....and here - you're going to see

something here that you really need the background to truly understand. (Open those links in a

New Window and you won't lose your place!)'re back? Now you know about Tobias and how he arrived here in the Valley.

  I've written about how his human Mom and Dad, Marion and Charles have

 become foster parents for Tobias. They have trained him how to fly. this....and make sure you leave a comment!

It's pretty incredible and I want to hear your feedback!

How totally cool is that?

Tobias is the coolest goose I know...well, Tobias is the only goose I know.

That's beside the point, I think he is awesome....what do you think?
Now the second part of this post:

If you've read my blog for awhile, you have probably heard (read?) me

refer to my "Valley friend". I don't like putting people's real names on this blog,

 unless I have asked their permission to do so. Since I never actually asked her,

she became "my Valley friend." Marion has started her own blog....

She gardens, raises animals and lives life off grid in the Cariboo.

Marion and her husband have become good friends of the Gman and I.

And you know, life is always easier and much more fun when you have good friends!

So pop over here to "Off Grid on a Northern Goat Farm" and check out Marion's blog!

Have a great Saturday.....
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Tanya Murray said...

Congratulations on the tech achievement! Loved the film and makes your heart swell doesn't it. I wonder if he will leave them eventually?

Annie said...

Hi Tanya, they are hopeful that come Spring he will fly away with a flock coming thru the Valley.

If not Spring, then Fall.

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