Ugh, we have always hated our stairwell leading to the basement. It hadn't been properly finished and it had so many nicks, gouges and writing on it (used to be lots of boys growing up in this house before we bought it).
It was drab and dreary with a light fixture we couldn't stand, an exposed ledge we couldn't figure out what to do with.....here's the pic. I had already started filling in holes, etc and sanding.
The G man gave the whole stairwell a good priming and painting....he had to put up scaffolding in order to get up to the top. Then he started trimming out the ledge and wall below in pine.
Here's a close up of the wood he used on the ledge - it's from a pine on our property that was killed by the pine beetle. See the dark blue grey colour of the wood?
So, here's a picture I took standing in the basement...I love it! I think it looks awesome and it really cleans the whole area right up!
He added trim boards at the bottom and just under the overhanging ledge....he's pretty handy, my guy.
And here's a pic from the top of the stairs. The back entry to our house is basically where I stood to take this. So, when people come over and look to the right, this is what they see now.
What an improvement! Because the stairwell is so durn high, we needed something on that end wall to draw the eye....finally had an idea to pick up a garden trellis from Canadian Tire.
Now all I need is a small scatter rug to throw on the landing floor, and maybe some dried flowers in a tall vase to put on the ledge under the trellis....
I like it!
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That looks great. The wainscotting really makes a great difference. Also, the end wall with the trellis in an effective way to shorten the wall. A vase with tall flowers will be lovely, and bring it in closer.
How is your weather? We had snow here on central Vancouver Island. Still a fair amount this morning when we left for church. The sun is shining now and it is melting slowly. We normally have very little snow here, and certainly having it in the spring is unusual. - How are the piglets doing? Have they settled in well? Your seedlings, I suppose, are growing by leaps and bounds. I have just planted our begonia bulbs. They are in the workshop which has some heat in it. Only one showed signs of life, so it is a waiting game with the others. Hope they spring back to life as they were so beautiful last year, especially the cascading ones. My Amarylis's are blooming! If I knes how to send a pic. I would do so, but I have to learn that aspect of "blogging" yet!
So long for now. Ina M.
Thanks Ina for your comments! Our piggies are doing well, growing already....we still have snow on the ground and we Cannot wait for it to disappear....winter seems to be lasting a long time!
Great news about your amarylis, would love to see a picture!
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