I'm getting antsy, restless with a good case of cabin fever mixed in....the melting snow and resulting mud is stopping me from really getting anything of merit done....and I want spring to be here, as in Today!

So I thought I'd comfort myself with looking thru the pictures of our veggie garden....a bit of reflection so I can see that we have come quite a ways since we moved up here.....so here goes
We moved here at beginning of June 2006. This is our garden area 2 weeks before we moved in...yes, where the jungle gym is....

Over the first few days Dad and I moved buckets and buckets of pea gravel off the garden area...(had to use buckets because we wanted to put the gravel on the pathway, which was up about 5 stairs from the garden)

After several days, that was finished and this was the result....you can see branches to the right, these were used to support my Scarlet Runner beans....the "bed" they are in was a kiddie's sandbox....we would turn that into our strawberry bed...

And here is the garden in August, 2006....filled to the brim, lol....
Over that winter, we decided the garden really needed to be bigger, quite a bit bigger......so

along came my husband and his machine and in April 2007, he worked on enlarging the area.

and we put in an asparagus bed of 26 plants....

and by mid-June, it looked like this. Asparagus bed is off to the left, strawberry beds (now 2 of them) are off to the right....

the da G man decided to put a water line from the house down into the garden, to simplify automatic sprinkler system.....(he's handy AND handsome, lucky me!!!)
Here's the ditching he did in order to run the line...

and so, by early July 2007, it looked like this. We also put in a berry bed, we started that in 2006, puttered away on it a bit in 2007, and this year, I will be moving berry plants, my garlic, and doing a bunch of other rearranging in that bed....

and here is our tomato greenhouse....works like a hot damn! The G man built it for me last year, when we realized we had wayyyy to much work on our plates to build the Real Greenhouse, that will have to wait....
but this works perfectly! And we had a big harvest of ripe juicy tomatoes....and at the end of the season, when frost really threatened, I picked the rest of the green tomatoes off the vines, put them into big brown paper bags and set them on our kitchen counter. Over the next weeks, they started to ripen, and eventually would be used in canning up a whack of tomato sauce and some really awesome salsa!
So there is our garden, and we'll be adding to and making some changes to it this year...can't wait.....
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Oops... sorry this is Linda from LinderCroft.
Anne... loved the tour through your garden! It really has evolved! Very nice... I can't wait till mine is green.
Hi Linda, thanks! I have been reading your blog as well, you have been very busy!!
I'd like to add your blog to our links, hope that will be ok....
Anne... thanks please do add a link.
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